Saturday, February 13, 2010

Karate Class Lessons

My youngest son started Karate a few weeks back. It is a neat little program and he is so excited. Just thought I would share a few pics and thoughts about it.
 This is a picture of the kids shoes all outside the door of the room they practice in.

This one is of the kids after they get inside the room and start stretching. 

I know my mind can be a little warped sometimes but I thought it was a little funny that the shoes were all sitting there and around the corner,all their owners were also sitting on the floor. In just a short hour, the shoes would be there waiting for the kids to reclaim and the kids would be there waiting on the parents to claim them. I thought about how as Christians we sometimes leave(fall away) for a time but the Lord is always there waiting to claim us. There is comfort in that. No matter what happens, we will always have someone who wants us. What and AWESOME God we have!!

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