Thursday, January 28, 2010


If you are new to blogs or just looking for a few to mess around in, Here is a link to the ones nominated for awards this year. Just keep scrolling to the right.

Women and Tears

Well we all know most women cry lots easier than men. Why? Because we are tender hearted,more emotional, I really don't know,but I know we just need it sometimes. In todays world, we seem to get hardened to things and it takes more and more to wake us up. We are so use to seeing destruction ,it is just like a tv show and really does not effect us.Sometimes I think we do not even realize we need to be brought back around to the tender heart God created in us. I came to this conclusion yesterday after reading another blog that a friend sent me. I got teary eyed as I read about a man losing his wife a few days after she gave birth to their daughter. I can not imagine. He has amazing faith.You know as a mother this really hit home with me and opened my heart up. I also realized that the few tears shed seem to cleanse my soul and help reground me. Maybe it was the combination of the tears,the faith and the message in the story,but I really needed it. God seems to know exactly what we need,when we need it,and how we need it. Lets all try not to let the world harden us but to let God keep our faith strong and tender ready to serve!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Menu

I am trying to get organized for the year. I always seem to start out the year doing really good and staying on track then about half way through the year it begins to fall apart. I am going to try to do a little better this year. This week I am working on the weekly menu planner.It helps to have this kind of list, it seems to cut down on my grocery tips and expense.It also makes me stay home. If I plan a meal,I am not as likely to say can we just run to town and get something.LOL It is not far to town but it is not just around the corner either and we all know how expensive it is to eat out not to mention the effects on our body. It seems we are always roping or having company and my schedule gets all messed up,but I am going to give it more effort. How about any of you,do you plan meals weekly or even monthly? What is your quick go to meal in a pinch? Any suggestions....

Friday, January 22, 2010


Yea, the weekend is finally here. This week seems to have dragged on. I think it is me dragging,I just can't seem to get back into a routine. I think this weekend will help. We have three rodeos and that is what we are use to. We have been off for the holidays and then weather canceled some of them too so it has been awhile. It seems to me that when we get into the habit of staying around here and hanging out, I get lazy.It seems to carry on through the week as well and when I am in a lazt mood, so are the kids and that is not good for homeschool kids. So I am thankful to be back on track and headed out to Rodeo.I look forward to seeing the faces we haven't seen in awhile and spending time with them. I hope this jumps starts me back into our normal routine. What about you what gets you motivated ?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A boy and A dog

This is Sterlin and Sam,they are really good friends.Sam can do many tricks and loves to run and play.

This is TJ and Sam, they are good friends too. I think Sam is telling TJ who is the boss.

Here is Tommy and Sam. Sam loves everyone...unconditionally.

I know we are suppose to love unconditionally just like the Lord loves us. Man, I really have trouble with that one sometimes. I also know that if we could do that, the world would be so much better. I am going to really work on that. I know you have heard it before but lets see if we can be the person our dog thinks we but most importantly, the person God knows we are.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Year ,New Me ?

Well I have put it off long enough, I started exercising again this morning. I use to enjoy it but now ...not so much. I know I am pushing 40 and everything slows down then,it's just some magical number according to the doctors. I really think my body thinks it is already there because it has stopped not just slowed. So I am trying to see if I can jump start it.You see I have a  reunion this year and who doesn't want to look good for that . I should go ahead and post a picture here and maybe that would hold me more accountable. You know, then I would have to post progress pictures and such like. Well I don't think so , I am to vain to show all this ! So here I go,maybe I will keep you updated with pounds or something. If you to have started this journey, please share and we will commiserate together or whine.LOL

Go Have a great Monday!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Snuggies,do you have one? From the time first time my youngest son saw the commercial for these, he has wanted one. I found one and gave it to him for his birthday. It was a regular size one so when he puts it on, it drags the ground and is a little big. This morning I found both the boys laying in the floor under the snuggie.I asked them to come to the table to get started on school and the picture above is what happened. They each had their head in an arm hole. lol. I see a new costume in the works for the next homeschool play. Maybe "Mona Lisa's Brothers" ? LOL.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Moms Vs Dads

Ok, my husband and I always to to present a united front, so whey do the kids act different for him?  It is a universal situation,very common. I can say something and they will eventually get to it ,but if Dad says something,well lets just say the jump to it. I really don't think his voice is all that different and I promise he doesn't beat them. They are not afraid of him,it just seems to be a natural instinct. I can rememeber  doing the same thing with my mom and dad. I know it is just the way God made. How about all of you out it the same at your house?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brrrrr....It's Cold Out There

Well it seems that we are having a real cold front coming through central texas,bundle up. I kind of like this weather. It gives me a reason to stay in the house and not ever get out of the PJ's. My youngest son said today that when it is cold out he wishes for warm and when it is warm outside, he wishes for cold. He said just what most of us One of the mother at co-op not too long ago told me he was refreshingly honest. Well that was certainly a nice way to put it wasn't it. That's our TJ,he says exactly what he is thinking.

Cold weather also makes me wish for something warm and filling. Below is a stew recipe my mother in law shared with me. It is quick and easy. I usually make conbread with it.

Southwest Stew
 1 lb hamburger meat (seasoned with Fajita seasoning)

 1 30 oz can of Veg all
 1 15 oz can of Ranch Style Beans
 1 15 oz can of Corn
Brown HB meat,drain and put in crockpot,add rest of ingredients and leave it for the day.(at least 4 hrs) 

Stay Warm!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Uhhgg! I have mice. I hate mice. They are the one thing that give me the hiba jibas all over. I don't like snakes but I will take them over mice.(Maybe that is cause they eat the mice) We live in the country but I can't seem to get a barn cat to stay around and I don't do litter boxes so I guess I will have to take care of them myself. I know they are tricky little creatures and can get in through the tiniest of spaces. I really thought they were trying to get out of the cold but now that I have done a little research, they can live in a freezer if they wish. Some of them do get in commercial size freezers and thrive. I called about having an exterminator come out but I really did not like their answer of what all they wanted to do so here I am researching Well I now have glue traps and snap traps. I found out that they feel their way with their wiskers so you should put them around the walls where you think they are getting in, if you can't find a hole to plug. Well I think if I haven't caught the culprits by the weekend, I am outling my house in glue traps before we leave for the Rodeo. Beware little mice....I am armed!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year

Happy New Year! I can't believe that a new year is here already. I feel like it was just a few weeks ago we did this. I also love Christmas time and can't believe it is over. I know I have control over it but my mood and spirit is so much better at Christmas time. Now it is time to go back to real life and the daily ins and outs. I am so not ready. What have I dont the last few weeks? I thought I would use the break from the boys school work to get a little more organized,well I did not. So I guess I will be moving that to one of the first goals for 2010. I also would like to cook healthier and for my family to eat healthier and enjoy They are kind of picky so it will be work. I also have decided to take the 90 day bible challenge.If you don't know about it, it is a program for reading through the whole bible in 90 days. I am sure I could make a list  to check off and mabe at a later date, I will but for now, I'll start with these few. How about any of you, do you have any goals for you or your family inthe New Year ?