Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Menu

I am trying to get organized for the year. I always seem to start out the year doing really good and staying on track then about half way through the year it begins to fall apart. I am going to try to do a little better this year. This week I am working on the weekly menu planner.It helps to have this kind of list, it seems to cut down on my grocery tips and expense.It also makes me stay home. If I plan a meal,I am not as likely to say can we just run to town and get something.LOL It is not far to town but it is not just around the corner either and we all know how expensive it is to eat out not to mention the effects on our body. It seems we are always roping or having company and my schedule gets all messed up,but I am going to give it more effort. How about any of you,do you plan meals weekly or even monthly? What is your quick go to meal in a pinch? Any suggestions....

1 comment:

  1. stop over at my blog and check out some great ideas -- there are some crock pot ideas too. I love my crock pot and makes life so much easier! :)
