Friday, January 27, 2012

Amazing Life

Well I have not held up and blogged much this week. Oh well, it seems this has been a family week. We had lots of rain so we could not do much outside so we were all inside. Usually these kind of weeks make me really nervous.I begin to think about us not working and start to worry about things. However, I serve a Big God and he always comes through. I am trying to continue to trust him and quit worrying about so much. Although its not easy , it is rewarding.  I have to say it has been a peaceful week in the midst of a storm!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Blues

I know lots of people are really liking the warmer weather we have been having, but I am kind of missing winter. I remember how hot it got this past summer and how miserable it was. I was looking forward to some cold weather so we could snuggle under blankets and watch a few movies. I also think it affects my cooking. I just can't seem to get in the mood for soups and stews with it being so warm. So I wonder if there is such a thing as the Winter Blues. I know there are people with a need for sunshine or they tend to get really depressed maybe there is the opposite for winter people.Well I don't think I really have that but I am wishing for a cold spell. My kids and fellow rodeo parents I am sure would be calling me names. They don't want to be sitting out in the cold.I guess I really don't either but a little snow would satisfy. Maybe I could talk my husband into a little trip up north.LOL

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well I have to admit I have not ever been one to get attached to animals. I take care of them and I have compassion but I just don't get attached. Until now, we have two dachshunds omg .LOL they rule our world. I never thought I would be one of those people that talked about things their dog does but I am. ( I think they are taking the place of my kids not needing me so much)

Anyway we always sit down as a family to try and name our animals. It can be quite funny. With the last dog, we finally wrote three names on a piece of paper and drew it out of a hat because we could not decide.

Now it seems we have another horse to name. I simple am running out of names. Most of the time in the past, we have named horses after the people they came from. This is a tradition in my husbands Family.This one is a boy though and we bought him from a lady so that will not work here. He has a name already but we don't like it so it must go. Any ideas?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Great Friday

It has been a great Friday! I love how when you decide to give it up and let God just go with it, he really takes over.Yesterday, I was a little down on life itself. Today I just said what the heck and went on. I know it will be ok.

I spent the morning with my Dad, just me and him. We don't get to do that much anymore but I really do enjoy it. He and I went and looked at horse and had a great visit. I so love my Daddy.

Then I came home and my youngest son and I spent the rest of the day together. We went to one of his favorite places to eat a late lunch and I had a great but Hilarious fortune in my fortune cookie. I sent a picture to my friend and we had a good laugh over it. Yes the Lord can speak to me in mysterious ways...LOL

Then we came home and watched a movie, went outside and fed the animals with my parents and came back in. TJ make us a pizza for supper and we watched the last episode of Extreme Home makeover. I love to see people helping others. It gives me such hope in todays world. I know there are still kind people and together we can make it a better place.

Tonight I am full of Love and Laughter..It is great!!

Thank you Lord for the little things.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Self Control

Today was a pretty good day. Until right before it ended. I had a phone call that just upset my whole day. Then I let it take control and consume me. I hate it when I do that. I know that I can not help certain things and that things just happen. I am suppose to pray about it and then let it go . But I choose to focus on it and think that by me thinking and worrying about it, it will magically change. I know God must regular laugh at me as well as get tired of me for not just trusting him. I am trying to get better at it.

Really , I have struggled alot in the last year with that. I seem to have had a season of doubt or maybe just laziness. This time last year, I had just gotten back from Israel and could not believe how the people of Israel had witnessed all that I had seen and still not been able to trust the Lord. Then shortly after that, I seem to have done the same thing.

I will get back to a better place in my faith and relationship with the Lord. I know we all have seasons, I am just tired of this season. Someone told me the other day that we have the power at any given point to say " This is not how my Story is going to end" ...Well , I am choosing to try and follow a different route and make the most of what ever comes my way. Hopefully Glorifying and pleasing the Lord while doing it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cupcake Trailer

Today I am selling my Cupcake Trailer. It was such a fun summer baking and selling cupcakes and cake pops. I enjoyed getting to know all the different people of Cleburne. Once we started back to school, it just was too much to handle and still make sure my kids were learning something. Right now , they have to come first. It is going to a really good home. We have met a great man of the Lord and he is going to sell Bar B Que out of it. He promises to bring me some and I can not wait to try it. It is so amazing to see God's hand in all of this, he was just meant to have my trailer. My husband and I both agreed on that and know that the Lord will bless him as well as .I know Big D's Bar b que is going to do very well. I hope he comes quick....I am getting hungry!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sick Day

Well I am trying to keep up posting everyday. I have felt horrible today and really just wanted to take the day off. However, we have waited way too long to start the next semester in school so I powered through(ok I layed on the couch) while the boys did their school work. Seems like the mom just doesn't ever get a real day of rest.LOL I am not complaining, I am grateful to be a stay at home mom, but sometimes I think I would like to just go back to my moms and let her take care of me. Too bad she feels the same way right now. Oh well tomorrow will be another day and I am sure better. I think we will have pizza or leftovers for supper and just hang out.

What about you? what happens to your family when you are under the weather?

Monday, January 9, 2012

My kids

My kids never cease to amaze me. How can they be so different and still both so much like their father and I ? My oldest is so laid back and just rolls with whatever comes his way. The youngest one has a short temper and really likes to be in control.

Today, I sent them to town to trade in their xbox for a ps3. This is what they decided they wanted to do. The oldest one would not bargin or even ask a question, he would just take whatever they offered. The youngest one on the other hand thought he needed to be in control.LOL He cracks me up. He talked and talked with them and even though he was suppose to trade in for a pre owned system, he wound up with a brand new one and money back. I think I will take him to help buy our next car.

I can not imagine all the things to come in their future but either way, I know they can both take care of themselves.

Friday, January 6, 2012


We have started the Rodeo season back in full swing this week. It is fun to see all the kids after the break and hear what they got for Christmas and all that did. Kids will tell you just about anything,LOL I can tell some funny stories.

I love to see the little bitty ones acting out Rodeo events while their brothers and sisters are competing. I love that most of the families there would do anything to help each other out. We are very blessed to be able to count them as extended family.

I know this was short and all about Rodeo but it will get better, I am getting back into the swing of it.

Next week my kids will start school again and life will settle back into some sort of schedule,I hope. Then you will get to hear lots more on life with a teenager, rodeo and arena ministry at our church. Wow what a mixture.LOL

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well I have decided to try and renew this blog. I seemed to have run out of the time to write last year but things are looking like they might be a little more relaxed this year. I hope to keep you updated on our lives as well as a few thoughts or opinions. I look forward to sharing with all of you and hope to see new faces.