Thursday, January 12, 2012

Self Control

Today was a pretty good day. Until right before it ended. I had a phone call that just upset my whole day. Then I let it take control and consume me. I hate it when I do that. I know that I can not help certain things and that things just happen. I am suppose to pray about it and then let it go . But I choose to focus on it and think that by me thinking and worrying about it, it will magically change. I know God must regular laugh at me as well as get tired of me for not just trusting him. I am trying to get better at it.

Really , I have struggled alot in the last year with that. I seem to have had a season of doubt or maybe just laziness. This time last year, I had just gotten back from Israel and could not believe how the people of Israel had witnessed all that I had seen and still not been able to trust the Lord. Then shortly after that, I seem to have done the same thing.

I will get back to a better place in my faith and relationship with the Lord. I know we all have seasons, I am just tired of this season. Someone told me the other day that we have the power at any given point to say " This is not how my Story is going to end" ...Well , I am choosing to try and follow a different route and make the most of what ever comes my way. Hopefully Glorifying and pleasing the Lord while doing it.

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