Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Blues

I know lots of people are really liking the warmer weather we have been having, but I am kind of missing winter. I remember how hot it got this past summer and how miserable it was. I was looking forward to some cold weather so we could snuggle under blankets and watch a few movies. I also think it affects my cooking. I just can't seem to get in the mood for soups and stews with it being so warm. So I wonder if there is such a thing as the Winter Blues. I know there are people with a need for sunshine or they tend to get really depressed maybe there is the opposite for winter people.Well I don't think I really have that but I am wishing for a cold spell. My kids and fellow rodeo parents I am sure would be calling me names. They don't want to be sitting out in the cold.I guess I really don't either but a little snow would satisfy. Maybe I could talk my husband into a little trip up north.LOL